The name of the association shall be known as the Pennsylvania National Guard Enlisted Association;
also referred to as PNGEA. It is established as a non-profit organization.
The purpose of this organization
1. To enhance the prestige, morale, and well being of enlisted members of the Pennsylvania
National Guard.
2. To facilitate the exchange of ideas and the solution of problems relating to the enlisted
members of the Pennsylvania National Guard.
3. To provide a method for the individual enlisted members of the Pennsylvania National
Guard to propose regulations to improve various aspects of the Pennsylvania National Guard.
4. To encourage and provide a vehicle for fraternal and social activities for the enlisted members
of the Pennsylvania National Guard.
5. To encourage and support other organizations which support the Pennsylvania National
Section I
Classes of Membership
1. Annual
2. Life
3. Associate
4. Honorary
Section II
Qualifications and Requirements for the classes of Membership
1. ANNUAL: Annual members shall consist of enlisted members of any unit of the
Pennsylvania National Guard, Army or Air; either active or who were honorably separated
after eight (8) years or more of service as a guards person in the Pennsylvania National
Guard, who makes an application and payment of the prescribed dues.
2. LIFE: Upon application, payment of the prescribed dues and approval of the Membership
Committee of the PNGEA, a person who is qualified to be an Annual member may be issued
a Life Membership.
3. ASSOCIATE: Upon application, payment of the prescribed dues and approval by the
Membership Committee, a person not otherwise qualified for membership, may be issued an
Associate Membership. An Associate Membership may not be an accredited delegate, hold
office, or be entitled to vote.
4. HONORARY: Honorary Membership for some outstanding service to the PNGEA or to the
Pennsylvania National Guard shall, upon recommendation of the Membership Committee,
may be awarded. An Honorary Member may not be an accredited delegate, hold office, or be
entitled to vote.
Section III
Dues required for membership are: The membership will set the amount paid for dues by a 2/3 vote; for
Annual, Life, Associate, and Honorary memberships.
Section IV
Membership will terminate if:
1. Non-payment of required dues.
2. A membership can be terminated by the recommendation of the Membership Committee and
approval of the Executive Committee.
3. A member terminated must be given a reasonable opportunity to present evidence in their
Section I
Officer Titles
1. President
2. 1st Vice President
3. 2nd Vice President
4. Secretary
5. Treasurer
6. Past President
7. Financial Secretary
Executive Committee
1. President
2. 1st Vice President
3. 2nd Vice President
4. Secretary
5. Treasurer
6. Past President
7. Financial Secretary
Section II
Duties and Powers
1. President:
A. A member ex-officio of all committees, except the Nominations Committee.
B. The President shall:
(1) Direct the affairs of the PNGEA in accordance with the policies adopted by the By-
Laws and in General Conferences of the PNGEA.
(2) Appoint all committees and designate the chairperson and vice chairperson of each
committee except the Nominations Committee.
(3) Issue a call for a General Conference and when a Special Conference is called by the
Executive Committee.
(4) Render an Annual Report to the PNGEA.
(5) Convene a membership meeting as deemed necessary but at least twice a year.
(6) Submit an annual budget.
(7) Attend the National Conference.
(8) Assume the duties of Chairman of PNGAS in odd years and Vice Chairman in even
2. 1st Vice President:
A. A member of the Executive Committee.
B. Assume the office of the President, title and pre-requisites, in the event the President
cannot perform his duties or is removed from office and serve the unexpired term of
that office.
C. May assume the office of President after two (2) years with the concurrence of the
D. Must attend a majority of membership meetings.
3. 2nd Vice President:
A. A member of the Executive Committee.
B. Assume the office of 1st Vice President, title and pre-requisites, in the event the 1st Vice
President cannot perform his duties.
C. May assume the office of 1st Vice President after two (2) years with the concurrence of the
D. Must attend a majority of membership meetings.
4. Secretary:
A. The recording officer of the association.
B. Responsible for the records of the PNGEA.
C. A member of the Executive Committee.
D. Must attend a majority of the membership meetings and when unable to attend, make the
necessary arrangements for minutes to be recorded.
4. Treasurer:
A. A. member of the Executive Committee.
B. Be the custodian of the funds of the PNGEA. Shall prepare a financial report for each
membership meeting. If the treasurer is unable to attend a meeting, a report will be
forwarded to one of the members of the Executive Committee.
C. Prepare a financial statement for each General Conference.
D. Must attend a majority of the membership meetings.
5. Financial Secretary:
A. A member of the Executive Committee.
B. Authorized to countersign all checks, assist in the maintenance of all funds of the PNGEA.
C. Assist in the preparation of the yearly budget.
D. Must attend a majority of the membership meetings.
Section III
1. The President, 1st Vice President, and 2nd Vice President shall be the right of secession with the.
approval of the membership. The 1st Vice President will move to President and the 2nd Vice
President shall become the 1st Vice President. The office of 2nd Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer, and Financial Secretary will be voted on bi-annually. In the event a nominee for an
office of the PNGEA fails to receive a majority, the succeeding votes shall be taken on the two
nominees who receive the highest number of votes on the previous ballot.
2. The election may only be conducted at the General Conference in the even numbered years.
3. Nominations will be held immediately preceding the election. Elections will be held
immediately after the nominations are closed.
Section IV
All elected officers will be installed immediately following the election. The term of office will be for
two (2) years.
Section V
Termination of Tenure
1. Completion of two (2) years in office.
2. An officer may be removed from office by a 2/3 majority vote of the Executive Committee for
sufficient cause.
Section VI
Nomination of Officers
1. The Nominations Committee shall consist of a chairperson (Past President) or an appointed
individual by the Executive Committee to serve during the General Conference, Special
Conference, or until discharged by the President.
2. The Nominations Committee shall:
A. Convene on the morning of the General Conference which is required to elect officers of
the PNGEA.
B. Prepare a slate of nominees consisting of names of eligible members of the PNGEA for
each office required to be filled.
Section I
General Conferences
A General Conference will be held annually.
Section II
Special Conferences
A Special Conference of the PNGEA may be convened at the call of the President, or a majority of the
Executive Committee.
Section III
1. All members may attend the General and Special Conferences and debate and vote on matters
before the PNGEA.
2. Voting for officers and By-Law changes shall be conducted at a General Conference.
Section IV
Delegates to the National Conference
1. Delegates to the National Conference shall be the Officers of the Association. However, if
there are not enough officers in attendance, the proper number of delegates needed to fill the
slot(s) may be voted in by the attending PNGEA officers and members.
2. Per-diem shall be set by the Finance Committee and approved by the Executive Committee.
Section I
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers of the PNGEA.
Section II
Duties and Powers
1. In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Committee, the vacancy shall be filled in
accordance with the appropriate section of the By-Laws.
2. Appoint the chairperson for the Nominations Committee.
3. Ensure the well being of the organization.
Section I
Committees of the PNGEA
1. Committee on By-Laws
2. Committee on Finance
3. Committee on Legislation and Resolutions
4. Committee on Membership
5. Committee on Retirement
6. Committee on Nominations (not a standing committee)
Section II
Committee Duties
1. All committees will consist of that number of members of the PNGEA appointed by the
2. Serve at the President’s pleasure.
3. Develop and recommend to the association programs and policies pertaining to the respective
Parliamentary Authority
1. Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised.
2. The By-Laws of the PNGEA.
3. Standing or special rules established by a General or Special Conference.
4. All amendments must be submitted in writing and voted on and approved at a previous
General Conference.
1. Except as otherwise provided by these By-Laws, the method of voting shall be by a General
or Special Conference committee of the PNGEA as determined by the presiding officer or
2. Voting at an Election of Officers shall be by written ballot.
3. No proxy voting shall be allowed.
4. Upon demand of the majority of the voting members present, the presiding officer shall have a
vote by roll call.
Section I
A certified public accountant employed by direction of the Executive Committee of the PNGEA shall
annually audit the records and finances of the PNGEA and render a report thereon to the Executive
Committee of the PNGEA, which will transmit same to the Finance Committee and to the membership at
the next annual General Conference.
Section II
In the case of dissolution of the PNGEA, all funds will be given to the Pennsylvania National Guard
Scholarship Fund.
Section III
Bills, claims and expenditures of the PNGEA shall be:
1. Certified by the President and a member of the Executive Committee of the PNGEA.
2. Paid by warrant drawn on funds of the PNGEA.
Section I
When Article Invoked
1. This article may be invoked by a majority of the Executive Committee of the PNGEA in the
event of:
A. War
B. National Emergency
(1) Proclaimed by the President of the United States.
(2) Declared by Congress of the United States.
C. State Emergency
(1) Proclaimed by the Governor
(2) For a period of more than 30 days.
2. This article, when invoked, shall take precedence over any conflicting provisions of the By-
Laws of the PNGEA.
Section II
Tenure and Filling Vacancies
1. On and after the date of invocation of this article:
A. Subject to the provisions of Article IV, Section of these By-Laws, the tenure in office of
each officer of the PNGEA is, if so determined by the Executive Committee of the
PNGEA, extended for the duration of the National or State emergency and for six (6)
months thereafter or until the Executive Committee, by a majority vote, determines this
article shall no longer be in effect.
B. In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Committee, a member may be appointed by the
President for the remainder of the unexpired term.
C. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, and there are no Vice Presidents of the
PNGEA to succeed thereto, the Executive Committee, by majority vote, may elect a
member of the Executive Committee.
D. In the event of a vacancy in the office of 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer, or Financial Secretary of the PNGEA, the President shall place in office a
member of the PNGEA.
Section I
By Two-Thirds Vote
These By-Laws may be amended at a General Conference of the PNGEA by a Two-Thirds vote of the
members present. An amendment may be proposed by a member of the PNGEA and shall submit, in
writing, to the Secretary of the PNGEA at least ninety (90) days prior to the date of the convening of the
conference at which the proposed amendment is to be considered. As soon as practical, after its receipt,
the Secretary shall forward copies of the proposed amendment(s) to the chairperson of the By-Laws
committee. The chairperson of the committee shall forward copies of the proposed amendment(s) to the
Executive committee not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date set for convening of the conference.
After committee consideration, the By-Laws committee chairperson shall render a report to the conference,
with such recommendations concerning the proposed amendment(s) as the committee may see fit.
Section II
By Unanimous Vote
These By-Laws may be amended at a General Conference of the PNGEA by a unanimous vote without
prior notice, provided the By-Laws committee has reviewed the proposed amendment(s) and made its
recommendation to the PNGEA.
Section III
Effective Date
Unless otherwise provided, an amendment of the By-Laws shall be effective upon adjournment of the
General Conference which adopted it.