AUSA Membership

AUSA Membership

Did you know? As a member of EANGUS, you are automatically a member of AUSA, the Association of the U.S. Army. In essence, when you become an EANGUS member, you become a member of your State Association, the national EANGUS Association, and you are a member of AUSA...
MSO or VSO, what is EANGUS?

MSO or VSO, what is EANGUS?

What is the difference between a Military Service Organization (MSO) and a Veterans Service Organization (VSO), and what is EANGUS? Although the terms seem to be synonymous, there are important differences between the two. A Veterans Service Organization (VSO) is an...
Policy Riders

Policy Riders

When Congress puts together legislation, especially appropriations (money) bills, they tend to attach policy riders to those bills. Bills without policy riders are considered to be “clean” bills—bare-bones language to accomplish one purpose—usually to fund...
Policy Riders

Policy Riders

When Congress puts together legislation, especially appropriations (money) bills, they tend to attach policy riders to those bills. Bills without policy riders are considered to be “clean” bills—bare-bones language to accomplish one purpose—usually to fund...
Policy Riders

Policy Riders

When Congress puts together legislation, especially appropriations (money) bills, they tend to attach policy riders to those bills. Bills without policy riders are considered to be “clean” bills—bare-bones language to accomplish one purpose—usually to fund...
What is a Supplemental [Funding Request]?

What is a Supplemental [Funding Request]?

Congress occasionally considers legislation that adds money for specific reasons outside of regular appropriations acts and usually after the fiscal year has begun. These pieces of special legislation are called supplementals. They supplement the original...